Monday, 24 August 2015


偶然读到这个预付卡, FRiENDi。


Validity-60天。好处是只要1通电话,或1则短讯,或上网就可把有效期延长60天。如果每 60天发1则短讯,一年维持电话的费用也不过48仙。60天后进入30天的inactive period,只能接收电话短讯,不能发送电话短讯。过后进入30天suspended state,无法收发电话短讯,只能充值起死回生。


Thursday, 20 August 2015





但是最后选择了旧配套。原因是旧配套有两倍充值时间,即是充值RM100,可用电话200天。电话10仙/30秒,或每分钟20仙,加上每天30分钟優魔霸免费通话。没有互联网流量,deactivation period 60天。

Wednesday, 19 August 2015


7月27日把用了10多年的digi prepaid plus换去smart prepaid.

Prepaid plus

friend & family-RM0.15/60sec
non friend & family-RM0.10/20sec, or RM0.40/min

Smart prepaid

buddyz-RM0.00, unlimited
non buddyz-RM0.15/30sec, or RM0.30/min
validity- 120天/RM100
deactivation period 90天


Monday, 17 August 2015


  • Various types of tences

Simple Progressive Perfect
Perfect progressive

A) Active-sing a song
1 Simple present
I sing a song
We sing a song
You sing a song
He/She sings a song
They sing a song

2 Simple past
I sang a song
We sang a song
You sang a song
He/She sang a song
They sang a song

3 Simple future
I  shall sing a song
We shall sing a song
You will sing a song
He/She will sing a song
They will sing a song

4 Present progressive
I am singing a song
We are singing a song
You are singing a song
He/She is singing a song
They are singing a song

5 Past progressive
I was singing a song
We were singing a song
You were singing a song
He/She was singing a song
They were singing a song

6 Future progressive
I shall be singing a song
We shall be singing a song
You will be singing a song
He/She will singing a song
They will be singing a song

7 Present perfect
I have sung a song
We have sung a song
You have sung a song
He/She has sung a song
They have sung a song

8 Past perfect
I had sung a song
We had sung a song
You had sung a song
He/She had sung a song
They had sung a song

9 Future perfect
I  shall have sung a song
We shall have sung a song
You will have sung a song
He/She will have sung a song
They will have sung a song

10 Present perfect progressive
I have been singing a song
We have been singing a song
You have been singing a song
He/She has been singing a song
They have been singing a song

11 Past perfect progressive
I had been singing a song
We had been singing a song
You had been singing a song
He/She had been singing a song
They had been singing a song

12 Future perfect progressive
I shall be singing a song
We shall be singing a song
You will be singing a song
He/She will be singing a song
They will be singing a song

B) Passive-I am beaten
1 Simple present
I am beaten by them
We are beaten by them
You are beaten by them
He/She is beaten by them
They are beaten by them

2 Simple past
I was beaten by them
We were beaten by them
You were beaten by them
He/She was beaten by them
They were beaten by them

3 Simple future
I shall be beaten by them
We shall be beaten by them
You will be beaten by them
He/She will be beaten by them
They will be beaten by them

4 Present progressive
I am being beaten by them
We are being beaten by them
You are being beaten by them
He/She is being beaten by them
They are being beaten by them

5 Past progressive
I was being beaten by them
We were being beaten by them
You were being beaten by them
He/She was being beaten by them
They were being beaten by them

6 Future progressive
I shall be being beaten by them
We shall be being beaten by them
You will be being beaten by them
He/She will be being beaten by them
They will be being beaten by them

7 Present perfect
I have been beaten by them
We have been beaten by them
You have been beaten by them
He/She has been beaten by them
They have been beaten by them

8 Past perfect 
I had been beaten by them
We had been beaten by them
You had been beaten by them
He/She had been beaten by them
They had been beaten by them

9 Future perfect
I shall have been beaten by them
We shall have been beaten by them
You will have been beaten by them
He/She will have been beaten by them
They will have been beaten by them

10 Present perfect progressive (rarely used)
I have been being beaten by them
We have been being beaten by them
You have been being beaten by them
He/She has been being beaten by them
They have been being beaten by them

11 Past perfect progressive (rarely used)
I had been being beaten by them
We had been being beaten by them
You had been being beaten by them
He/She had been being beaten by them
They had been being beaten by them

12 Future perfect progressive (rarely used)
I shall have been being beaten by them
We shall have been being beaten by them
You will have been being beaten by them
He/She will have been being beaten by them
They will have been being beaten by them

  • What is modal verb-verbs like can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would
  • What is gerund-noun that made by  adding -ing to the verb, e.g., reading, playing, running etc.
  • What is infinitive-There are 2 types, i)full infinitive, i.e., to. ii)bare infinitive, i.e., must, may can. All the infinitive would be followed by a basic dictionary form of verb.
  • Types of verb-i)Normal verb, non continuous verb and mixed verb ii)transitive versus intransitive
  • Types of article-definite (the) and indefinite (a, an)
  • What is adverb-a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb

Thursday, 13 August 2015


公司营业代表请的咖啡及tuna puff




Wednesday, 12 August 2015



Monday, 3 August 2015


Audi 左后轮压力在3天内从200pas跌到170pas. 驶去轮胎店检查,原来有根铁钉刺破轮胎。没打算换轮胎,只把它由内补了,RM35。

由于前轮花纹严重破损,前两轮给换了RM580x2),顺便做alignment, RM45。



